Upcoming Contests - 3 for March

My play On the 8's was a top-10 finalist for the Henley Rose Competition. It's nice to be acknowledged, even when you don't win I suppose. Nicer to win, though, right? 

But I'll definitely take it! And it serves as a reminder that we have to continue getting our work out there into the world. 

I hope to apply again next year and recommend this contest. Here's a link to their information: 


3 Contest to Apply to in March: 

1. Barter Theatre (Abingdon | VA) Appalachian Festival of Plays and Playwrights

DEADLINE: 3 / 3 / 2017

FEE: No Fee


Plays must be written by an Appalachian playwright (currently living in the Appalachian Mountains which, for these purposes, run from New York to Alabama) OR the plays must be set in the Appalachian region.




The Appalachian Festival of Plays and Playwrights celebrates the richness of the Appalachian tradition by showcasing the stories of the region, both past and present, and the inspiration it provides the writers who live here. A brief rehearsal process (six hours/play) takes place in June, followed by public readings of the play. The festival is accepting submissions of plays (full length preferred) for consideration.


Plays must be written by an Appalachian playwright (currently living in the Appalachian Mountains which, for our purposes, run from New York to Alabama) OR the plays must be set in the Appalachian region.
Plays must be unpublished and must not have had a full professional production.
Full length plays are preferred.


To submit your play electronically:
Send a PDF of the script along with contact info and a brief synopsis of the play to: apfestival@bartertheatre.com

2. Theatre Conspiracy (Ft. Myers | FL): 19th Annual New Play Contest

DEADLINE: 3 / 30 / 2017

FEE: $5; free for Dramatists Guild Members


Open to all playwrights.




Theatre Conspiracy will be accepting submissions for its 19th Annual New Play Contest between December 2016 and March 30, 2017. All works submitted will be read and judged by a panel of qualified theatre teachers, directors and performers. Script Parameters: Work submitted to the contest must be a full length play with seven actors or less and have simple to moderate technical demands. Plays having up to three previous productions are welcome. No musicals, we are a tone deaf theatre company!. Remuneration: First place: $700.00 and full production. However, it is our goal to produce more than one entry each year.

3. Relative Theatrics Playwrights Voiced Festival of New Works


3 / 20 / 2017

FEE: No fee

RESTRICTIONS: Open to all playwrights




Each year, Relative Theatrics selects four new full-length plays from submissions by local and regional playwrights to be part of their Playwrights Voiced Festival of New Works.


Each year, Relative Theatrics selects four new full-length plays from submissions by local and regional playwrights to be part of their Playwrights Voiced Festival of New Works. Selected scripts receive 10-20 hours of rehearsal, one public reading in May followed by a proctored talkback session, and a $50 honorarium for the playwright. Our goal to showcase an exciting, diverse, and inclusive slate of plays that reflect the next phase of new work coming to the fore in the American theatre and beyond and to further playwriting development in the Laramie area. 

Submission Guidelines