Paper Lanterns Production

Alyssa Whiting and John Harris

Alyssa Whiting and John Harris

Last weekend, the Old Courthouse Theatre did my little play proud. I loved the cast. They found some wonderful character moments and made these children believable through their physicality. They had the audience laughing right away, and I was able to relax and enjoy them. The director, Brian Rassler, built the amazing swing and did a great job with the production. Aren't they cute?! 

The evening of plays was unified around the theme The Bucket List. It made for a wide variety of plays, as well as hilarious transitions between plays. 

My parents and my husband Chad came with me. They liked my play the best, but ya know... they're partial. We had a great time. It means so much more to watch these words that have been living in my head come to life surrounded by the people who have supported me through the process. 

The other thing that I found really neat is getting to see this play produced so soon after I wrote it, which makes me hungry to write the next one! 

These were the best of the pics. Unfortunately, the pictures of the actors swinging came out blurry. Sigh...